

Mission statement

New York DMD provides optimal care through a wide range of services including General Dentistry, Neuromuscular Dentistry, Dental Implants, Cosmetic Dentistry, Orthodontics, Teeth Whitening (“GLO” technology) and so much more for Adults and Children.

“We care about your Health and Success in Life to ensure complete Dental Happiness.”

With over 20 years of dental experience through continued progressive dental education, you can be rest assured knowing you are in good hands. Our only goal is to strive to make your smile the brightest and most confident it’s been.


Dr. Sandra Low was born and raised in England where she graduated as a Pharmacist and later attended Tufts University to become a dentist. As a resident, she trained at Beth Israel Medical Center, New York with an emphasis in Complex Surgical Procedures and Orthodontics before establishing her own practice. Dr. Sandra Low continues to take numerous continuing education courses to ensure the latest technology and services are provided to her patients. She has attended the LVI for Advanced Dental Studies, SWOS The Centre for Occlusal Studies, DOCs Dental Organisation for Conscious Sedation and IDIA The International Dental Implant Association Seminars. She was featured as a guest on Metro Channel’s “Full Frontal,” and won the 2009 BriteSmile Makeover where her patient Victor Negron whose dental care was complicated by diabetes, was the fortunate recipient of the 20K BriteSmile Makeover. New York DMD was also winner of the 2014 and 2016 Patients’ Choice Award. Dr. Low was a frequent participant of the Dental Mission to the Dominican Republic bringing State-of-the-Art dental care to the underprivileged. She and other Doctors provided in excess of $400K worth of dental services, instructions and more.

A Glimpse into the Past…

It began with losing a tooth from a fall when I was 12 years old kickstarting my journey to an unbalanced bite and an unbalanced life. A bad slouching posture in school compromised my bite further. Multiple allergic episodes from pollen and damp air resulted in the development of habitual breathing through my mouth, especially during sports activities. In University, head, neck and shoulder pains progressed as my teeth began to shift to fill in the gap of the lost tooth. This led to the development of clicking and popping in my jaw joints which is a clear sign that my bite was collapsing. My entire body had begun to compensate for these issues. I have since overcome most of my ailments through dentistry.

“It is through dentistry that I’ve learnt that this Quest for Balance leads to Optimal Health.”

I want to bring this same preventative approach and treatment to all my patients from children to adults at New York DMD, because I strongly believe balancing your bite, correcting alignment of muscles and bones, improving posture and breathing properly can ultimately enhance your overall happiness towards a long life.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_cta h2=”MINI DENTAL IMPLANTS CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE!” add_button=”right” btn_title=”Make an Appointment!” btn_color=”green” btn_link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fnyminidentalimplants.com%2Fcontact-nyc-mini-implant-dentist%2F|||”]If you have loose dentures, single or multiple missing teeth, then mini dental implants may be the solution for you! You can leave with a beautiful smile in as many as two office visits![/vc_cta][/vc_column][/vc_row]