Mini Implants for Dentures

Mini Implants for DenturesNew York, NY

When it comes to replacing teeth, dentures are a reliable option that has been around for decades. However, removable dentures come with their own list of complications that motivates people to seek other options. Due to this, people may end up seeking more expensive solutions instead of a dentures solution for these complications.

We combine the modern and advanced technology of mini dental implants with the durable and trusted technology of dentures to create a solution that remains in place. This type of implant supported dentures will provide all the usefulness and functionality of dentures while also making at-home care for them easier.

If you are searching for an effective and efficient long-lasting tooth replacement option, then mini implants for dentures are what you have been searching for.

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What You Need to Know

While traditional removable dentures are effective, they come with their own set of limitations and issues that people may experience. These issues can include:

  • Needing regular adjustment as the jaw changes size and shape
  • Falling out when eating, talking or laughing
  • Failing to stimulate the jawbone properly
  • Requiring nightly removal for care

By using mini dental implants to support and attach dentures to the jawbone, we can prevent these issues from occurring. Our goal is to restore the functionality and appearance of a patient’s teeth so they can continue to eat food, speak, meet acquaintances and complete daily routines without issue. Far too often, people with removable dentures live in fear of them falling out.

Part of the issue is that the dentures need regular adjustments that only professionals can administer. Thus, many people struggle to ensure their dentures are the proper fit, eventually allowing the dentures to loosen. Loose dentures will fall out at inconvenient times and can break on impact with hard surfaces. Mini dental implants can help to prevent this and provide more benefits, including:

  • Sturdy and durable foundation for dentures to remain in place
  • They do not need regular adjustments
  • They will remain the same shade without much issue
  • They will not drastically alter the way one eats or speaks
  • They do not require extra cleaning than natural teeth
  • They do not need to be removed each night for cleaning
  • A Long-Lasting Solution

    Not only are mini implant dentures a long-lasting tooth replacement option but the mini implants take up less space in the jawbone than regular implants. The type of implant dentures a patient gets will depend on their needs.

    Bar-Retained Dentures

    With this type of dentures, we use several mini-implants as anchors in the jaw to secure a thin metal bar that bends to the shape of the jawbone. The amount of mini dental implants we use can range between two and five. This option works well for people who are edentulous or missing an entire row of teeth.

    Unlike removable dentures, the patient will not need to remove this version of denture each night. The implants will hold the bar in place, which holds the dentures in the proper position.

    Ball-Retained Dentures

    These dentures are usually for patients only need to replace one to three teeth in a row. By inserting the mini dental implant into the jaw with a ball-shaped stud on the end, we will attach an individual denture to it. In some cases, we may place more than one. We may also place the implants for the dentures toward the front of the mouth since there tends to be more jawbone up there.

    Proper Care for Mini Implant Dentures

    Part of the benefit to mini implant dentures is the fact that the patient does not need to remove them every night to soak in a special cleaning solution. While the patient may need to do this for the first few days after the initial procedure, this treatment option will remain in the mouth following the first few days.

    Proper care will involve brushing the dentures with a special brush to keep them clean and ensure there are no bits of food between the teeth. Along with that, we may need to schedule some follow-up appointments since the mini implants may not last forever. We can go over all of these facts and answer any questions the patient has during a consultation.

    If you are in need of a long-lasting and durable tooth replacement option, call us to learn more about mini implants for dentures or to schedule an appointment. We can help to restore your smile and allow you to live life to the fullest without concerns of your teeth holding you back.