What Is the Difference Between Mini Dental Implants and Traditional Implants?

Mini Dental Implants New York, NY

Mini dental implants and traditional implants are both used to replace one or more teeth. However, while they utilize the same concept and are made of the same materials, there are notable advantages and drawbacks to each type of dental implant, so it is helpful to distinguish the differences before making a treatment decision.

Mini dental implants vs. traditional dental implants

A mini dental implant is essentially the same as a traditional dental implant, except it is smaller in size. A traditional dental implant is above 3 mm in width and can be as wide as 5 mm. A mini dental implant is less than 3 mm in size.

The differences between mini and traditional implants

To highlight the differences, it is important to focus on how the size affects the purpose of the implant in teeth replacement and the treatment process. Most notably, the traditional dental implant process is longer and more invasive because the implant is placed deeper into the jawbone and must fuse with the jawbone before the permanent replacement teeth are attached. This is not the case with mini dental implants, and the entire process only requires a single dental visit. 

Mini dental implants pros and cons

The primary advantage of mini dental implants is that the process is less invasive. There is no need for an invasive surgical procedure, and the procedure is typically performed with only local anesthesia. In addition, the results with mini dental implants are much faster because there is only one procedure instead of two. There is also no need for a bone graft procedure for most patients. However, the drawback to mini dental implants is that they do not offer the same level of strength and durability as traditional dental implants. 

The pros and cons of traditional dental implants

Traditional dental implants are ideal for patients who want the most natural-like replacement for their natural teeth and are willing to go through a more extensive process to achieve the results that they desire. Traditional dental implants can last for more than 20 years when they are cared for properly. However, the placement process is much more extensive than with mini dental implants and can take more than six months.

Which option is right for me?

The dentist can describe the procedure for both options in greater detail during a consultation visit. In general, mini dental implants are ideal for patients who want fast results and the least invasive treatment process. Patients who want the most durable and long-lasting results may prefer traditional implants. 

Schedule a mini dental implants consultation

If you have one or more missing teeth and want to find out if mini dental implants or traditional implants are the right options for you, then give us a call to set up a visit today. We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to show off a complete smile.

Request an appointment here: https://newyorkdmd.com or call New York DMD at (917) 284-9680 for an appointment in our New York office.


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